*"I Am" Daily Affirmations! Words have Power! Words have Energy!*

"I Am" Daily Affirmations! 

 Words have power! 

Words have energy!

By R. I. Little-Anderson

Introduction to: “I Am” Daily Affirmations!

The dictionary tells us that self-talk is: "the act or practice of talking to oneself, either aloud or silently and mentally."  The experts tell us that: "Self-talk is one's constant internal conversation and this voice inside our head can and does affect us. “

You may have heard yourself talking and saying things like: "I can't do anything right!" or "I'm a complete failure!"   If you have, here is the good news! "We can challenge our negative self-talk and turn it into positive self-talk!"

This negative self-talk is a "bad habit" and is destructive in our lives. However, we all can rewire our brains for a happier and more pleasant experience and to create new thoughts and new habits and bring us the life we desire.

Do you remember the book; "The Secret" and the “Law of Attraction?" The main statement tells us: "What you focus on expands and what we send out will always return."  When consumed with negative thoughts, then that is what we will have in our lives.  The good thing to remember is, the opposite is also true, so by focusing on the "Positive" things in life that is what will return to us.  We have a choice here! "We can be cheerful and supportive or negative and self-defeating."

The most important rule that we can practice for our very own benefit is:

"Speak kindly to oneself at all times!"   (And to others as well!)

To help you stay on track this little book "I Am" Daily Affirmations has 365 positive affirmations to practice speaking kindly to ourselves every day of the year until it becomes a positive habit.
Have you had someone tell you, "to make it" sometimes you have to "fake it” for a while?  Follow this little rule and see what transpires. You might be pleasantly surprised!

Sit back, relax and say these daily words out loud with love and sincere feeling. It may even be strange to you at first, but in no time, you will be excited about the direction your life is going.  Speak with joy, happiness, and confident, but not in any way forced – "natural and easy does it."

Each verse starts with a comment on just how beautiful you are!  Treat the first part of the verse like "your very own mentor."  Remember and realize that your mentor sincerely wants the very best for you.  Then the last part of the verse is a positive affirmation, or a mantra, that you will speak out loud in the present moment.  Here is an example of one of the “I am affirmations.”

"I am a positive, caring, and loving person."

An example from the "I Am” Daily Affirmations for January 1:

"You are creative, imaginative, and poetic, and have a passion and love for music. One of your dominant traits is that you are capable of adapting to any situation that arises.  People in your circle love and respect you for your friendly, easy-going ways, and your strong, ambitious drive for success.  You will make a great leader in any endeavor you choose. Love of family is one of your greatest benefits."

Positive affirmation for this day: "I am my highest potential."

Remember that some of the verses may be specific and some are in a general nature so if some statement doesn't apply to your own life just change it; for instance, this verse mentions "having a love for music" - so if you don't you can change it to what your specific love is.  Maybe you have a love for mathematical skills. Say, "I love and have wonderful mathematical skills." Do what works and is best for you!

I have a personal affirmation, prayer that is so uplifting and life-changing and if you would like to have a copy send me an email at lightenergy119@gmail.com. I will be more than happy to email you a copy.

May you walk in health, happiness, and love!

(Here is a great suggestion: "Personalize your book by having fun coloring the thumbnail mandala images.   You will find that coloring the images is a great outlet for relaxing, unwinding from a busy day, and will help contribute to the peaceful moment everyone needs and desires.")

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